
Helping you assess materials and identify gaps with a content audit

Fully 37% of marketers never complete a content audit. Yet, performing one at least once a year is important for taking stock of what you have, what you don’t and what you need. Are you due for one?

When you select Branding Central as your content customization and distribution platform, you get the support of a full team of content marketing professionals who can help you:


Assess your materials and resources to see if they align with your overall strategic objectives.

Outline how new content can be developed to fill gaps uncovered in your inventory and map to key objectives.

Identify personalization and cobranding opportunities within your library of materials.

Remove, repurpose and revise existing content pieces.

Avoid spending money on developing content you already have.

Set appropriate KPIs to measure results from each piece of content you offer.

Plus, with a thorough content audit, we can also show you:

  • what types of materials are most readily available to your users and distribution channels.
  • what resources are needed to fill any gaps identified in the audit.
  • what opportunities exist to collaborate on and curate relevant content for your target audiences and distribution channels.